About ZE50-0134

We are developing a Bcl2 inhibitor for B Cell Malignancies that is designed to address treatment resistance and combinability.

Apoptosis is regulated and balanced by protein-protein interactions among Bcl2 family members.  Bcl2 is an anti-apoptotic protein that prevents apoptosis and has been implicated in tumor survival and chemoresistance.  Inhibition of Bcl2 leads to the activation of caspases with an irreversible commitment towards cell death. 

ZE50-0134 is a Bcl2 inhibitor with selectivity over Bcl-xL and activity against Bcl2 resistant mutations.  This coupled with improved pharmaceutical properties, ZE50-0134 is the best-in-class Bcl2 inhibitor.

We are currently evaluating ZE50-0134 in a Phase 1 dose escalation healthy volunteer study.  For more information visit clinicaltrials.gov (XXXXX).